1 year by Daniil Kolesnikov
Yellana CPA network focuses heavily on Gambling and Betting verticals, this is why we are thrilled to announce that our next stop is – iGB Affiliate in London!
iGB Affiliate London is an iGaming event that will take place on 6-9 February 2024. It strives to connect thousands of affiliates and provide them with the relationships, resources, and expertise required to thrive in this quickly changing industry.
What is really exciting is that affiliates get free entry to iGB!
It is anticipated that more than 6500 people would attend this large-scale event. Although the entire conference schedule is not yet available, we have no doubt that it will be packed with entertaining events!
Are you going to attend iGB Affiliate? We can stay in touch already now! Leave a message in our Telegram chat and connect with other webmasters in Yellana who will probably attend the event too!
Here is all the important information you need to stay connected with us:
Event: iGB Affiliate London 2024
When: February 6-9, 2024
Where: ExCeL London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London, E16 1XL, United Kingdom
Where to find us: booth #G25 (together with RichAds)
Contacts: Anastasia Titova – head of Yellana
Moreover, you can already join our iGaming team!